Check My Plan

To learn what type of plan you have, fully insured or self-funded, check your ID card.

What Do These Terms Mean?

Fully Insured
This is a plan a person or employer group buys from an insurance company at a set rate. The insurance company processes and pays the claims based on the plan benefits.

To learn if you have a fully insured plan, check your ID card for the words:
“Fully Insured”

This is a plan an employer owns and funds itself. In most cases the employer sets the premiums and decides the plan benefits. The employer will pay an insurance company to process employee and dependent claims for the employer. The employer pays the claims and other expenses of the plan.

To learn if you have a self-funded plan, check your ID card for the words:

"Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana [or HMO Louisiana, Inc.] provides administrative services only and does not assume any financial risk for claims."

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