Pediatric Wellness Benefits

Emotional Health

We often don’t realize that kids can have stress too! Here are some signs your child may need help. If you’re seeing the signs of overload, from emotional outbursts to bullying to overeating, consult with your child’s doctor. They may be eligible for behavioral care.

Help Is Available
Blue Cross offers benefits for children ages 3 to 18 diagnosed with obesity and covered under an eligible, non-grandfathered policy, 52 visits of intensive treatment with eligible health and behavior programs and professionals. The 52 visits with an in-network provider begin when the child is diagnosed with obesity at his or her annual visit. After 52 visits, coverage moves to contract benefits. The coverage is a once-in-a-lifetime benefit.

How to Access these Benefits for Your Child
1. Schedule an appointment with your child's doctor. If you do not have a doctor your child sees regularly, search our directory to find a pediatric or family doctor, or to find a registered dietician.
2. Download this document and bring it with you to your child's appointment to help your provider correctly code the visit as part of the prevention benefit.

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